Sunday, April 21, 2013

Your opinion? I didn't ask for it

So this weekend I'm having a garage sale. Today is Sunday - yesterday we had an awesome day and made WAY more than I would have ever imagined. (Last time we made more than the rest of the neighborhood combined).

Anyways I put the ad up and people kept texting/calling/emailing me to see if they could come a day early, or an hour early to check out the garage sale. I got tired of telling them no, so I just put at the bottom of the ad "please don't ask to come early, it's unfair to other people and honestly if I wanted to open at 7am instead of 8am - I would do that. And no I don't want some random person in my garage at midnight the night before (that's when we set up).

Last time I put that in the ad (last April) people actually applauded me for it - because they hated that and they actually took the effort to go from sale to sale looking at stuff. I'm all about that spirit, not about being lazy and calling me to see if I have X or Y or can hold this.

This time however - some doucher actually texted me a freakin essay (I'll reassemble it) about how I'm the bad guy for saying don't ask to come early:

+1405: Your little rant at the end if your post on CL is hilarious. If people want to ask to come early, that's their prerogative. Did you ever think they may not be able to make it on the weekend for whatever reason and they're really interested in something you have to sell? If you cannot accommodate that, that's your prerogative. Life's not fair. Deal with it. 
Me: As if I gave a shit what you think 
+1405: Oh, scared of a little debate, are we? Didn't know I was threading on such a sensitive subject for you. Lol. 
Me: Hey like their prerogative I can tell them not to ask 
Me: No debating its my sale not yours or theirs so ill run it how I liked 
+1405: Just what I said in my first text, but thank you for repeating what I said. Really original. 
+1405: You can run it any way you want, but people can also ask what they want. Lol.
Me: Good for you? Your opinion is not noted and is gone with the wind 
Me: No one asked for it 
I didn't ask for a debate, in fact it wasn't a debate at all. I'm not sure why this guy cares how I run my garage sale. He's right though - life's not fair. Which means if you can't show up when I'm open - it means "Too bad". I run the garage sale for fun. Whether or not I make money I really could care less. I just do it to hang out with my wife, kid, brother, and friends. We have a grand time staying warm in the garage watching movies. I just went ahead and blocked him since I didn't have time for it - we were raking in way too much money at the time. People can ask what they want? Actually no, they can't because it's my sale and I can ask "no spammers, no idiots wanting to come early, no weirdos, no checks, no pesos, no shirt, no shoes - no service". If you don't abide by it? Go away.

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